The Diocese of Tucson requires that all adult volunteers (18 years old or older) working with children, youth, and/or vulnerable individuals must complete a volunteer application, and the Safe Environment training (CMG) and undergo a
background screening before they start volunteering. Please contact the parish office if you have any question or concerns.
Follow these instructions after opening the link below and you will be taken to the Volunteer application page.
1. Visit
3. Look for “St James the Apostle Parish - Coolidge, AZ”
4. Click on "Volunteer", then you can access the application by "Apply for this Position.”
5. Please indicate what MINISTRY you are interested in after the "Ministry or volunteer position applying for" (examples: Eucharistic Minister, Lector, Choir, Usher, Knights of Columbus, Money Counter, etc.).
6. Three Professional and three Personal references with valid phone numbers are required.
7. Make sure you click on “Submit” when your application is complete. Once your application has been received, you will receive a confirmation email.
Please call the office at 520.723.3063, if you have any questions or need assistance.
La Diócesis de Tucson exige que todos los voluntarios adultos (de 18 años o más) que trabajen con niños, jóvenes y/o personas vulnerables deben completar una solicitud de voluntariado y la capacitación de Ambiente Seguro (CMG) y someterse a una verificación de antecedentes. Antes de que comiencen a ser voluntarios.
Para aplicar como Voluntario Siga los pasos mencionados en la parte de abajo: